South Kinangop Tree Growing Process Monitoring and Evaluation

Tree growing is a demanding process that requires collaborative measures to achieve success. It is mundane to keep track of the progress to give room for changes and improvements.

Today, a section of Dedan Kimathi Foundation environment conservation team conducted a progress monitoring and evaluation exercise in 5 public schools in Kinangop Sub County. The schools were Chania, Sasumua, Kenyatta Road and St. Mary primary schools which benefitted from the Foundation’s voluntary tree growing activities in 2020 and 2021. The survival rates for the planted exotic trees most of which were cypress, pine and bluegum were 87%, 90%,67% and 86% respectively. Heni secondary school had a survival rate of 90%.

These high survival rates in all the 5 schools are as a result of well supervised adoption of the trees by the pupils and students. By this, the caregivers ensures the trees are sufficiently watered, mulch applied to counter soil water evaporation, proper pruning for faster growth and appropriate crop cultivation in the planted zones for enhanced tree care. Proper fencing has as well contributed a great deal to the trees survival as trees remain well protected from destruction by livestock.

Among the challenges shared by the heads of the institutions were drying up of trees due to water logging during the rainy season, water shortage during the dry season and lack of proper pruning knowledge by the caregivers.

Dedan Kimathi Foundation commits to work together with Kenya Forest Service to conduct beating up exercises in the institutions as the rainy season kicks off.