Encompassing National Heroes in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Activism

Remembering Tom Joseph Odhiambo Mboya and Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi

Tom Joseph Odhiambo Mboya is a revered trade unionist whose love for justice is well engraved in the books of history as he surved as the minister for justice at a time when the nation freedom struggle wounds were clotting. Just like Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi, his patriotism is unquestionable as he led the negotiations for independence at the Lancaster House Conferences while the former engaged the cruel colonizers in guerilla warfare applying high degree tactical combat plans to make up for lack of sophisticated weapons.

In the spirit of venerating these gallant heroes whose deaths were unnatural, Dedan Kimathi Foundation in partnership with Green Heroes Organization and Tom Mboya University both based in Homabay County have organized a greening initiative to grow 100,000 assorted exotic, indigenous and fruit trees in 71 learning institutions in Homabay Town Sub county this rainy season.

Launch and Sensitization Day: March 11, 2024

The series are planned to be launched on Monday 11th March 2024 at the University whereby the 3 parties among other environmental stakeholders such as the Kenya Red Cross- Homabay County, Kenya Forest Service and Inuana Initiative among others will conduct a climate change sensitization session and a 2000 tree planting exercise in the vast university compound.

Honoring Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi

To mark the 67th Anniversary of Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi that occurred on 18th February 2024, the environmental club of Tom Mboya University is preparing a site to establish a park named after him to ensure his contribution to the freedom struggle remains unforgettable. Adjacent to it will be Tom Mboya Park to be established on the same day in admiration of his environmental conservation efforts in founding the Farmers Training Centre that previously sat at the current university university grounds.

County-wide Tree Planting Campaign

Afterwards, the climate change sensitization and tree growing caravan will conduct mass tree growing activities in all the 71 learning institutions in Homabay Sub County in efforts to sooth the tree cover to at least 10% in the county from the current less than 5%. The team will employ the ‘Adopt a Tree’ growing strategy to ensure high survival rate and sustainability.

Strategic Collaboration for Success

As part of the axe sharpening stage, the planning team with membership drawn from the 3 bodies has spent the last couple of days reaching out to the relevant environmental groups to join hands as the county requires concerted efforts to achieve a remarkable tree cover escalation.

Addressing the team at his office on Wednesday afternoon, the University Vice Chancellor Prof Charles Ocholla urged the team to brace themselves for a tough fight against climate change as the generation armed with relevant knowledge and time advantage to make an impact in that field.

Speaking on behalf of the Foundation CEO, Ms. Evelyn Kimathi, Dickson Maina; the environment conservation team leader assured the university of a working partnership whose work would begin bearing results as soon as the first activity is conducted.